Rummage Sale Sept. 13-14
Annual Rummage Sale
Friday-Saturday, Sept. 13 and 14
Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: 8am - noon.
Bring your items for the annual UWF Rummage Sale as follows:
Sunday, Sept. 8: 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Monday,-Wednesday, Sept. 9-11: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Thursday, Sept.12: 8:00 am - NOON
Drop off is at upper level southeast door. Accepting clothing, kitchenware, books, games, seasonal decorations. Unacceptable items include electronics, TVs and furniture.
This is put on by the United Women in Faith (UWF) with the help of anyone and everyone of the church. Therefore, please sign up to help by contacting a UWF member or in the church office.