Wesley United Methodist Church Macomb, IL  
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Missions Committee Meeting Monday, Jan 20 @ 4:00 PM
Finance Committee Tuesday, Jan 21 @ 5:30 PM
Prayer Wednesday, Jan 22 @ 4:00 PM
Men's Bible Study Wednesday, Jan 22 @ 6:00 PM

What To Expect

We’ll always give you a warm Wesley welcome!  Here at Wesley we are known for:

  • Offering a place to belong
  • Accepting you for who you are
  • Caring about and supporting each other
  • Helping our communities
  • Welcoming diverse opinions
  • Caring about justice and peace
What do you believe at Wesley United Methodist Church?

Our mission is to help people cultivate a growing, personal relationship with God through Jesus. Our vision is to be empowered and nurtured in a growing community of faith, inviting, attracting and serving families and people of all ages.


sanctuary2What are the Sunday worship services like?

8:30 a.m. service features mostly contemporary Christian music led by our Wesley Praise Band, along with some updated hymns.


11 a.m. service has traditional organ and choir music.


The reading and sermon are the same at both services. During the 8:30 service, children are dismissed to go to Children's Church or Praise Kids choir practice (first through sixth grades).


Wheelchair seating and voice-amplification devices are available.


Will I have to introduce myself in church?

No. You will not be asked to stand or introduce yourself. We hope you will fill out a Connection Card, found in the Sunday bulletin, with your contact information so we can follow-up on your visit by mail or email. You also can find information at the Welcome Center in the atrium.


Where do I park?

There are parking spaces designated for visitors and people who need handicapped parking spaces in the lot on the east side of the church. A larger lot with handicapped and limited-mobility parking spaces is on the west side. From there, you enter the lower level. On Sunday mornings, a greeter can take you to the elevator if you need it.

Where do I go when I get there?

Friendly greeters and ushers meet people at the atrium and sanctuary entrances on the main level and both lower-level entrances. Fellowship time with coffee, lemonade and donut holes begins at 8:00 a.m. and lasts until 11:00 a.m.


May I participate in communion?

We celebrate Holy Communion at both services the first Sunday of each month. United Methodists practice “open-table” communion. You do not need to be a member of our church to participate. Anyone who desires to grow closer to Christ and one another may receive the sacrament.


sunday-schoolDo you have Sunday school?

Yes. There are classes for all ages. Adults can choose among classes doing Bible studies, book studies and topical studies.


Do you have a nursery?

Yes. Our nursery provides care for infants through 5 years old from 8:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Sundays and 5:30 to 7 p.m. Wednesdays during Faith Encounter, and at other times for special events. Nursery workers have completed CPR and first aid training.


Do you have any services during the week?

Yes. Faith Encounter is from 5:45 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesdays during the school year. It consists of a meal, praise songs and a brief message.


How can I get more information?

The church office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 pm. weekdays, except holidays. To reach the office, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 309-833-2153.


The Connection Cards distributed on Sunday mornings have places to request more information, and Coffee with the Pastor is scheduled occasionally.




Address: 1212 W. Calhoun Street, Macomb, IL 61455-1299     Email: office@macombwesleyumc.com      Phone: (309) 833-2153